Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre

Brand Identity + Website

Putting a world-class marine research and academic centre on the map.

Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (BMSC) is a world-class teaching and research facility situated on the outer west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada. BMSC supports diverse coastal and marine research and is recognized as one of the finest research and training facilities globally.

BMSC aimed to be perceived as an extension of the campuses of its five partner universities by highlighting its facilities, location, research resources, and academic accomplishments.

The brand refresh and updated website facilitated the attraction of new opportunities for BMSC, while also renewing the bond between BMSC and its partners.

Project Team

Mark Doherty, Creative Director
Kristin Dyer, Designer
Mike Dibblee, Designer
Jon Hawkes, Web Development

Select photos courtesy of the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre