Coastal Jazz and Blues Society

TD Vancouver International Jazz Festival 2018

Kicking off western Canada's summer festival scene.

Every year, the TD Vancouver International Jazz Festival hosts over 1,100 artists and over 200 concerts featuring the world’s best jazz, blues, Latin, fusion and world music at venues big and small, indoor and outdoor, across Vancouver.  Inspired by the variety of musicians, 600,000+ attendees, and eclectic venue environments, Massif designed an explosive brand system that represents the explosion of musical and cultural events that take over the the city for ten days every June and into July.

The brand system includes iconic “Vancouver” visuals and prominently features past attendees and musicians captured as they experience the spirit and excitement of the festival. The design was implemented across applications including large format transit shelter ads, event posters, brochures, rack cards, wayfinding signage, print and digital advertisements and video templates.

Project Team

Mark Doherty, Creative Director
Mike Dibblee, Production Director
Jon Hawkes, Website Development
Sarah Krzyzek, Production Graphic Designer

Select Photos Courtesy of Coastal Jazz & Blues Society, Photos by Rebecca Blissett