WineGirl Wines

Pin Up Girl Wine Labels

Inspired by the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest, Massif Creative worked with WineGirl Wines to produce a lineup of wine labels in an ode to the pin-up style of the early 20th century.

Produced on site in Lake Chelan, in north-central Washington state, WineGirl Wines tell stories of the vineyards from which they are sourced. Massif Creative was contacted by WineGirl Wines to create a series of labels for the new PinUp Girls line of wine varietals. Massif developed nine characters to tell the story of the awe inspiring nature, beautiful seasons and outdoor lifestyles of the Pacific Northwest. These characters were brought to life by Vancouver-based illustrator, Francine Delgado.

Whether hiking the Chelan Butte, canoeing through the headwaters of Lake Chelan, skiing the slopes of Stevens Pass, or soaring through the skies over East and West Wentachee, our adventure-seeking women are depicted in real locations that surround this vineyard.

Project Team

Mark Doherty, Creative Director
Mike Dibblee, Designer
Francine Delgado, Illustration